Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Learn How to Conjugate Téléphoner (to Call) in French
Learn How to Conjugate Tà ©là ©phoner (to Call) in French As you might expect, the French verb tà ©là ©phoner means to call or to telephone. Unlike the verb appeler, which also means to call, this one refers specifically to a telephone conversation. In order to properly use tà ©là ©phoner to say things such as he called or I am calling, you will need to know how to conjugate the verb. The good news is that this is a regular verb, so not only is it easy to memorize, its also relatively easy to conjugate. A brief lesson will show you how thats done. The Basic Conjugations of Tà ©là ©phoner In comparison to other French verbs, tà ©là ©phoner is one of the easier verb conjugations to study. Thats because this is a regular -er verb, meaning it uses a very common pattern as you move from one form of the verb to another. As with all regular verbs, you will add a variety of endings to the verb stem (or radical) to form each conjugation. The catch with the French language is that there is a new ending for every subject pronoun within each tense, giving you more words to memorize. The radical of tà ©là ©phoner is tà ©là ©phon-. Using the chart, you can see which ending you need to add to that for your sentence. For example, I am calling is je tà ©là ©phone and we will call is nous tà ©là ©phonerons. Present Future Imperfect je tlphone tlphonerai tlphonais tu tlphones tlphoneras tlphonais il tlphone tlphonera tlphonait nous tlphonons tlphonerons tlphonions vous tlphonez tlphonerez tlphoniez ils tlphonent tlphoneront tlphonaient The Present Participle of Tà ©là ©phoner When you add -ant to the radical of tà ©là ©phoner, you get the present participle tà ©là ©phonant. It is a verb, though in some situations you may also use it as an adjective, gerund, or noun. Tà ©là ©phoner in the Compound Past Tense The past tense can be either the imperfect or the passà © composà ©, which is a compound. To form this, youll need to conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir to the present tense, then attach the past participle tà ©là ©phonà ©. For example, I called is jai tà ©là ©phonà © and we called is nous avons tà ©là ©phonà ©. More Simple Conjugations of Tà ©là ©phoner There are a few more simple conjugations of tà ©là ©phoner that you may need at times. The subjunctive, for instance, calls the act into question while the conditional says its dependent on something else. The literary tenses of the passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive are also good to know because you may encounter them while reading. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je tlphone tlphonerais tlphonai tlphonasse tu tlphones tlphonerais tlphonas tlphonasses il tlphone tlphonerait tlphona tlphont nous tlphonions tlphonerions tlphonmes tlphonassions vous tlphoniez tlphoneriez tlphontes tlphonassiez ils tlphonent tlphoneraient tlphonrent tlphonassent The imperative form is used for very direct sentences and often used alone, so the subject pronoun is not required. In this instance, its perfectly acceptable to shorten tu tà ©là ©phone to tà ©là ©phone. Imperative (tu) tlphone (nous) tlphonons (vous) tlphonez
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