Monday, December 30, 2019
The United States Forest Service - 1605 Words
The United States Forest Service is in favor of logging to a certain extent but there are several groups that oppose logging in the United States. Groups such as and state that logging in the United States and specifically in industrial areas has led to deforestation and near extinction of many animals. Forests cover 31% of the land area on the planet. They produce vital oxygen and provide homes for people and wildlife. Many of the world’s most threatened and endangered animals live in forests, and 1.6 billion people rely on benefits forests offer, including food, fresh water, clothing, traditional medicine and shelter. However, forests around the world are under threat from deforestation, jeopardizing these benefits. Deforestation comes in many forms, including fires, clear-cutting for agriculture, ranching and development, unsustainable logging for timber, and degradation due to climate change. This impacts people’s livelihoods and threatens a wide range of plant and animal species. Some 46-58 thousand square miles of forest are lost each year, which is equivalent to 36 football fields every minute. Forests play a critical role in mitigating climate change because they act as a carbon sink soaking up carbon dioxide that would otherwise be free in the atmosphere and contribute to ongoing changes in climate patterns. Deforestation undermines this important carbon sink function. It is estimated that 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions are theShow MoreRelatedChief Executive : The President Of The United States Forest Service1514 Words  | 7 Pagespresident has the power to Enforce laws, act as administrator of the federal bureaucracy, issue executive orders, and appoint and remove judges and other high ranking officials in the government. The first person to go was Chief of the United States Forest Service,Gifford Pinchot, due to a scandal involving U.S. Secretary of Interior, Richard Ballinger.Ballinger accused Roosevelt of using his power improperly by moving large tracts of public lands into reserve status.Interior employee Luis GalvisRead MoreThe Cause For Increasing Fire Ac tivity Is Climate Change1265 Words  | 6 Pagesenable fuel moistures decline and fires are able to take off and engulf millions of acres a year in fire. In turn, fires, more specifically large ones, emit enormous amounts of exhaust. In a study conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, the agency through which the Forest Service is operated out of, Liu, Goodrick, and Heilman stated that fire emissions help to worsen climate change. The main components of fire emissions are carbon dioxide, organic carbon, and black carbon. Carbon dioxideRead MoreEssay On The Fire705 Words  | 3 PagesFor a young boy, it was intimidating and made the prayer that surrounded the light switch to my bedroom all the more significant: â€Å"Bless this house oh Lord I pray, make it safe through night and day.†At some point every summer, the western United States burns and no one who doesn’t live there seems to take notice. This year, however, the burning was nothing less than catastrophic, and the reaction was the same – barely a notice. In fact, this year was one of those generational burns that whileRead MoreResearch Article On Fires And Climate Change1026 Words  | 5 Pagesfor funding this research project was the United States Department of Agriculture/United States Forest Service. In addition, the researchers all are scientists that work for the US Forest Service in their research stations. This paper has a fair amount of ethos associated with it. 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It is â€Å"the largest intact ecosystem in the lower 48 United States. Offering nearly 1.2 million acres of designated Wilderness, over 3,000 miles of road and trail and thousands of miles of unspoiled rivers and streams.†(USDA Forest Service) I am appealing to you as a conservationist. I believe that the natural resources of the forest can be of great help to us. As we experience this oil and gas crisis in the USRead MoreLand of the Free, Unless You Are a Tree772 Words  | 3 Pagesnot only the Appalachian Trail (where the story takes place), but throughout the United States. He contributes a mass amount of the damage to the logging industry’s over logging and the mass deforesting to create the roads to the logging sites. As I read the book I became more and more interested in the effects of logging, so I made it my goal was to find to what extent the logging industry and National Forest Services have contributed to deforestation in the U.S. My first article was a researchRead MoreThe Fire Of Yellowstone National Parks2437 Words  | 10 PagesEvery year in the U.S there are incidents that occurred dealing with fires in the forest. This is when wild land firefighting comes in to action. Advancements in firefighting have improved in the past such as improvement in technology in fighting fires, equipment being used, and different preventions to take in action to help incidents from becoming destructive and uncontrollable, and lastly knowing history because we remember and learn from the experiences of the past. Wild land firefighting isRead More A Human For Nature Essay1585 Words  | 7 Pagesaddress. In focusing on Theodore Roosevelt, we will find a basis for preservation in America. We will also explore some of the preservation actions that take place in our world today. The original forests in the United States covered an extremely large amount of land. It is estimated that forests took up roughly 1 billion acres of land, including Alaska5. The first to manipulate the land were the Native Americans who used tools and fire to convert the land to their needs. Areas were cleared forRead MoreUranium in the Four Corners Essay749 Words  | 3 Pagesthe United States Forest Service for allowing Energy Fuel Resources Inc. to operate a mine under a 1986 federal environmental review without tribal consultation. The Canyon mine was previously in non-operational status due to low uranium stock prices in 1992. Opponents of the uranium mining operation want the federal environmental review updated and point out the uranium mine’s close proximity to the Red Butte Traditional Cultural Property, which was recognized and designated by the US Forest Service
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Mythical Accounts By Ancient Egypt Essay - 1724 Words
Mythical accounts by the ancient Egyptians employed narratives to express its’ social conventions and the religion’s contextual foundations and influence in society. The myths describe not only the societal hierarchy, but also enactments of rituals and a chronicled view of life in ancient Egypt gripped by religious values. Mythology employs the believer’s creative imagination, where according to Ions: â€Å"Egyptian myths†¦cannot be considered as fixed stories†¦their function in the Egyptian religion was to provide a notation of symbols with which to express ideas; if the ideas changed, then the myth also had to change.†Despite these myths appearing to be fantastical, under today’s standards, these mythical narratives and the characterization of these gods â€Å"shape the most fundamental or ultimate values†of ancient Egyptians by providing the individual with â€Å"rules laying down what ought to be done or what ought not to b e done.†The myths involve the divine gods of ancient Egypt, illustrating their origins and association with mankind. In a sense ancient Egyptians are, as Byron E. Shaffer says, trying to: â€Å"attain both a comprehension of their beliefs and practices and an appreciation of them.†It was a means to incorporate the traditional values and religion with their everyday life, where through religion, individuals in ancient Egypt are connected to the divine world of â€Å"superhuman beings [that] are conceptualized by humans, and [humans] have a place in the shared cognitiveShow MoreRelated The Myth of Exodus Essay1180 Words  | 5 Pagesof the creation of a monotheistic religion and the similarities of the Exodus myth to the ancient myths, as well as how one should approach the reading of the myth. First of all, we need to understand what a myth is. William Bascom says in his essay, â€Å"The Forms of Folklore: Prose Narratives†, â€Å"Myths are prose narratives which, in the society in which they are told, are considered to be truthful accounts of what happened in the remote past†(Dundes 9). Trying to prove the elements in the myth asRead MoreThe Legend Of Atlantis By Plato1681 Words  | 7 PagesAtlantis The legend of Atlantis was first introduced to the world at approximately 360 BC, by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias who hear of the legend from Greek lawmaker Solon who was told of the tale by Egyptian priests during his visit to Egypt. In his dialogues, Plato describes an affluent and powerful nation which arose directly from the Greek God of the Sea, Poseidon. However, their opulence ceased as they became too greedy, wicked and impious which ledRead MoreEssay on The New Identity of Exodus as a Myth1950 Words  | 8 Pagestradition of generations. Many American children discover the legend of the tooth fairy at an early age. Furthermore, this mythical tale explains the meaning behind children losing their baby teeth. It marks a rite of passage between infancy and early childhood. In the strictest sense of the definition of a myth, however, the tooth fairy does not qualify as a mythical story. It does not have all of the essential tr aits. So what precisely is a myth? The Greek word for myth is â€Å"mythos†, meaningRead More12 Literary Piece1670 Words  | 7 Pagesnational theory. 9. The Song of Roland: This includes the Doce Pares and Ronces Valles of France. It tells about the Golden Age of Christianity in France. 10. The Book of the Dead: This includes the cult of Osiris and the Mythology and theology of Egypt. 11. The Book of the Days: This was written by Confucius of China. This became the basis of Christian Religion. 12. One thousand and One Night of the Arabian Nights: from Arabia and Persia(Iran). It shows the ways of government of industriesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie 300 The Battle Of Thermopylae 1560 Words  | 7 Pagesand history by using the classical past to explore social norms, accurately depict the way of life, events that occurred such as the battle of Thermopylae and the nature of people during 500 BCE. 300 is a Hollywood film that focuses primarily on ancient Greece and the battle of Thermopylae as reminisced from history and partly from Frank Miller’s novel, 300. The battle of Thermopylae was a war in which the alliance of Greek city-states such as Athens and Greece went to war against the Persian KingRead MoreComparision of Genesis with Other Creation Mythologies Essay1012 Words  | 5 Pageswillingness of knowing the self, ancient people tried to create mythological stories about the creation. One of the most famous accounts of creation is presented by the Hebrews in the Book of Genesis. Besides Genesis, almost every culture has its own creation account. Some are remarkably similar and some are contrary, but all are attempts to answer the above questions. Narrations of creation presented a variety of scenes before the beginning. Most accounts emphasis the nothingness, darknessRead MoreThe Magic and Science of Ancient Egyptian Medicine2606 Words  | 11 PagesTHE SCIENCE AND MYSTERY OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MEDICINE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. Introduction 1 2. The Edwin Smith Papyrus 2 2.1 Authorship 3 3. The Ebers papyrus 3 4. Human anatomy and physiology 4 4.1 Head, heart and thoracic cavity 4 4.2 Limbs and Injuries 5 4.3 Disease, Illness and their remedies and cures 6 5. Medicine and Dispensing 7 6. ConclusionRead MoreTraits and Values Associated with Femininity in Antigone1880 Words  | 8 PagesANTIGONE The conventionally accepted roles of both males and females in ancient Grecian society were well defined and manifested. 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With every victory came honor, glory and pride for the winningRead MoreLife of Prophet Jeremiah3247 Words  | 13 Pageshis people, particularly the prophecies of Hosea, whose influence can be seen in his early messages. The era in which Jeremiah lived was one of transition for the ancient Near East. The Assyrian empire, which had been dominant for two centuries, declined and fell. Its capital, Nineveh, was captured in 612 by the Babylonians and Medes. Egypt had a brief period of resurgence under the 26th dynasty (664–525) but did not prove strong enough to establish an empire. The new world power was the Neo-Babylonian
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Managing financial and non-financial resources Free Essays
Universities are institutions where students pursue higher levels of education. This institution enables the students to  study and to conduct research work in various academic fields and after completing and qualifying in their studies  they are awarded academic degrees such as the bachelors degree, master degree and the doctorate degree. The institution is headed by a board of trustees who ensure that the operations of the institution are carried out effectively. We will write a custom essay sample on Managing financial and non-financial resources or any similar topic only for you Order Now  The chancellor is usually appointed to run the institution. The institution has many departments which are headed by various deans who ensure that the students’ affairs  and the learning affairs of the institution are run effectively and efficiently. In case of public universities they are managed by the government through the  Higher Education Boards which  review their financial needs and  their budget proposals and then they allocate appropriate fund according to the demand of the institutions departments expenses. The private universities are usually sponsored by private persons thus their operations are not affected by the government since they carry out their activities independently. A budget is a plan of how an organization would like to achieve its goals in the future. It consists of estimates that the management with its personnel sets so that the operations of the institution can  run effectively. A budget process is the procedure that is followed by an organization or a government on how to create and to approve a budget. The administrator of an organization organizes  a meeting in order to ensure that all members of the organization participate in the preparation of the budget so that the following year’s activities are adequately addressed and then the financial managers ensure that appropriate funds are allocated against the activities of the organization. The chief executive officers reviews and approves the budgets so that they can make appropriate amendments if need be. The allocation of resources of a university in the budget process is usually made in compliance  with the university’s strategic plans . The deans and the directors of the university develop the budget using the proposals for the university faculty. They consult department chairmen and unit heads so that they can provide a comprehensive budget which is helpful to the particular faculty concerned. The university vice chancellor is the last person who approves the budget so that it can be made effective and hence he or she directs on how the budget is to implemented by various personnel in the institution.. The expenditures of a university are forecasted, monitored and controlled using the following procedure. The finance officer creates a valid account that relates to the activities that the university would like to achieve then an account number is created to those accounts . The account is monitored by carrying one monthly reconciliations of revenues and expenditures and then comparing actual revenues and expenditures to the budget so as to determine the variance so that corrective measures can be carried out. For example for the contracts and clinical activities   they are prepared using invoices which are used to monitor that the terms and conditions of a company are properly followed. In case there are deficit balances on the allocated accounts they are regulated using the accounts that are associated with them .A comprehensive budget for the institution is necessary because  there are many activities that are carried out in the institution thus  it is important to correct the deficits that an organisation has so as to enable the institution to carry out its activities effectively  and to  enable it to achieve its  goals in the future. The management of the university carries out internal controls when preparing the budget. An auditor is usually appointed  carries out an  audit in  books of account  so as to ensure that the financial statements portray a true view and also ensure that the books of accounts are accurately and properly kept. The budget can be forecast using the current years performance and the resources that are available in  the university. The manager of the institution can encourage people to share responsibility by involving them in the decision making process. This can enable the employees of the institution to contribute their views, ideas about how to run the activities and this can help them to appreciate the operations of the company and they can enhance the implementation the ideas of an organisation. The managers of the institution can manage non-financial resources by employing qualified personnel to handle and oversee their operation since in one way or another they contribute to the success of the business. The management of the institution can also manage the non-financial resources by preparing strategic budgeting approaches which can help them to align the necessary resources so as to enhance proper strategic plans for the institution. The approaches that are used in monitoring and controlling non-financial resources are :activity based costing it is an approach that is used in the measuring the costs of activities of an organisation this approach enables a manager not to over or under estimate his costs because since either of the two can lead the managers to not to prepare their budget properly since specific funds are allocated to particular projects of a company and this enables the activities of the institution to be carried out effectively. The other approach that can be used in monitoring and controlling the non-financial resources are the use of the balanced scorecard it is an approach that is used in evaluating the performance of the employees of the institution. It enables the management to assess themselves whether they are performing their activities as expected of them ,in case they don’t perform as expected of them they can take measures of preventing the  bad outcomes from happening in the future. The advantages of using this approaches is that they enable the management of the organisation to perform their activities effectively and once they adhere to what they  are expected to do  this  can enable the organisation to achieve its  goals and hence they enable it to have greater returns for the institution . The disadvantages of using this approaches is that they may be very costly for the organisation to implement because of inadequacy of resources to implement the projects , some people in the institution may oppose the idea of implementing the project  because either they may  biased or they would  not like to accept changes in their institutions.. People spend money for various reasons one is to satisfy their basic needs such as to purchase food, clothing and shelter . In case of  the universities the management  spends money in order to meet their current budgets of what they would like to accomplish in a given financial year, thus in their budget they allocate specific funds for specific projects that they would like to set up in the future . The institution may plan in its budget to build more lecture rooms in order to accommodate the increasing of students that are enrolling in the institutions, since these can be a good investment since in the long run it can generate returns for the institution since the students can enroll in it due to the availability of resources that enhance learning to take place effectively. In case of universities they prepare capital budget since their expenditure is mostly associated with the purchase of infrastructure that is most preferable for the organization. The management of the institution can be able to select a type of investment for their institution based on the risk that is involved in setting up the project and also with regard to how the plans of setting up the project have been designed so that enough resources are allocated so that the project can be effectively implemented. An investment can be evaluated by using the following capital budgeting techniques. One of them is the net present value technique, internal rate of return and the pay back technique. The capital budgeting technique that is called net present value can assist the management of an institution to make a decision on whether to accept an investment or not. If an investment has a positive net present value then it means that an investor can invest in that project. The rate of return of the investment should be selected depending on the riskiness of the project. The riskiness of a project is determined by how the case  is  flowing in the institution, if the cash inflow is higher than the cash outflow then it is important to invest in the project since the returns of the project are high. The internal rate of return is a capital budgeting technique that is used in measuring the efficiency of a project. It is a discount rate that gives the same result as the net present value. If the internal rate of return is higher than the hurdle rate then an investment  can be implemented  using the rate. The financial tools can be used by the institution in carrying out its activities .The financial tools consist of financial ratios the enable an institution to compare its performance in its previous years performance so that they can take corrective measures if need be since the ratios are prepared using variables in the financial statements thus comparing their performance can be easy since the financial statements of a company are usually prepared annually. It is important to manage the resources of an institution because they enable it to achieve goals and objectives in the future .If the resources are properly managed the an institution can be able to earn greater returns and hence it can continue to progress in the future. How to cite Managing financial and non-financial resources, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Concepts related to Race and Ethnicities-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Define the Concepts related to Race and Ethnicities. Answer: Introduction The aim of the current assignment is to properly define the concepts related to race and ethnicities, which are two of the major elements in the study of sociology. The concept of social stratification will be discussed alongside the same, which will help to identify all forms of social issues that are caused due to the difference in the social class and ethnicity. The study will also highlight upon the theories of social stratification alongside with race and ethnicity. This will help in setting up of strategies that will be implemented by the social care workers to deal with the community issues related race and ethnicity. Few of the important theories that will be discussed includes functionalism, Interactionism, culture of prejudice, conflict theory and others. This will help to deal with all mental health issues that are caused due to the social difference. The racism is believed to be one of the major issues that have caused social stratification. It is important to shed light upon the differences in the concept of race and ethnicity, which will help to suggest relevant intervention strategies. The report will also critically evaluate all the theories that will help to understand its applicability under the given situation of human community. Definitions of Race and Ethnicity According to Atkin (2016), race is term that is used to categorize a group of people based on their biological and physical character. This includes skin color, stature, body structure and facial features. These parameters within an individual differ due to their biological origin. People in the European and American region vary highly in their skin color and body structure that is believed to significant element of people identification and categorize them according to respective origin. Wade (2017) has added in the given context that similarities and differences in the skin and biological traits have been termed as social significant. This is the cause of people treating another individual from dissimilar race with different behavior. On the other hand, ethnicity refers to the shared cultural practices and belief that are being followed within a community. People belonging to same ethnicity share common culture and region along with historic heritages, which also provides them a fixed lifestyle. Tonkin et al. (2016), have mentioned that few of the important common characteristics of people belonging to the same ethnic background includes food habits and dress styles. Due to the globalized nature of the world, most of the nations have people belonging from different ethnic background. Most of the countries strive for pluralism, which aims to bring about social harmony between all people irrespective of their ethnic background. Walker et al. (2016) have added that geographical factors like local climate and availability of food have significant effects on the ethnic background. For example, people living in the tropical region will have different food habits and dress style compared to that of individuals in the tem perate region. Definition and theories of Social Stratification Social stratification is an unethical practice within the society, which provides a system framework for dividing people according to their capability are divided into various social ranks of class. From the work of Doob (2015), there are some categories of people who capture majority of the wealth. This gives them greater power and status within the society. According to Sapir?Hen et al. (2016), social stratification is a special trait of the society, which is reflected through differences in individual perspective in several social elements. This difference of social stratification can exist over several generations. This is considered to be one of the universal traits of every society, which is responsible for causing high level of social inequality. Hence, social stratification is considered to be one of the basic characteristics of every Complex society. The value of stock within this Complex society is not distributed equally among every individual. The interconnection between several components of the society that gives rise to social stratification can be described with the help of three components Theory of social stratification (Aziz 2015). This is also called the Weberian stratification, which consists of three elements namely wealth, prestige and power. Higher level of wealth and Prestige provides people with high level of power. This higher power enables people or group of individual to achieve their goals in spite of opposition from minority group on people belonging to low power category. The individual capability to possess power provides them the ability to exploit all form of social resources. The people belonging from higher section of the society also can exercise their power for their benefit. Hence, all individual in the society does not get equal access to the social resources, thereby increasing social inequality for future generations. The group or individuals who are aiming to make more power use political influence, in order to fulfill their purpose without considering any form of ethical duties. They also gain the capability to ignore the legal system, which is highly controlled by their social action. Theories of Race and Ethnicity Issues that are caused due to the difference in race and ethnicity can be determined using the different types of social perspectives that include functionalism, social interactionism, and conflict theory. These are three of the major theories that can explain the traditional consequence of the relevant theories. Functionalism: According to Craib (2015), the concepts of functionalism is one of the oldest theories in sociology related to inequalities due to racial and ethnic inequalities. This theory suggests that race and ethnicity must have played an important function within the society, which helped them to exist for longer duration. According to the believer of the functionalism racism and discrimination has a positive effects on the society thereby forming the dominant group. This has helped in shaping the structure of the society, which is of great importance for the up liftmen of the elite section of the society. For example, the tradition of slavery in the 18th and 19th century has been beneficial to the slaveholders, who have been able to expand the capability of their business and introduce the idea of free trade. This later gave rise to the concept of globalization, and the concept of capital market was introduced. With the introduction of the racism, the superior section of the society was able to enjoy all types of economic and social prevelliages that has helped them to improve their well-being. Nevertheless, Burrell and Morgan (2017), have argued with the concept stating that social discrimination in the forms of race and ethnicity that existed for longer period has caused high level of social misbalance. The major outcomes for this include higher rates of crime activities, rising level of poverty along with unemployment. This is evident from the case of America, where the modern society is suffering from high crime rates and lack of educational opportunity especially for the black skinned people. Olsson et al. (2015), have mentioned that the division within the society regarding the Functionalism theory is done by the contribution that is done by each section of the society. It is believed that each part of the society has to be functional in order to bring about permanent stability. There are different parts of the society composed of diverse range of elements thereby fulfilling diverse needs of the society. It is essential for all parts of the society to perform effectively to ensure high productivity and stability. Conflict theory This theory was introduced by the famous sociologist and philosopher Karl Marx, who mentioned that conflict, is perpetual within the society that is caused due to limited resources. It is important to mention that harmony within the society is maintained by power of the dominant group. Hence, the consensuses of the people, especially belonging from the weaker sections are often neglected (Ritzer and Stepnisky 2017). According to Ballantine and Hammack (2015), the origin of the social conflict is due to the difference in the behavior and the opinions of individuals. The inequality within the society is one of the main causes of the high levels of contradiction. The section of people within the society, who controls the economic production, is believed to have the dominant power. The opportunity to have access to social resources also depends on their dominance over the society. Salamini (2014), has mentioned about the social intersection theory, which is considered to be a major part of the conflict theory. It is believed that gender discrimination, race, and class are often regarded as the integrated part of the society. The multiple layers of the society have often originated due to high levels of social discrimination. According to the principle of interactionism, the symbol of race is considered to be the prime cause of racism within the society that reflected with the behavior of individual. These behaviors are responsible for expressing of dominant behavior of individual. It is also important to consider the fact that how people have attitude towards their race and the race of the others. Culture of Prejudice This theory is based on the fact that pre convinced ideas related to that of the culture play the most significant step in determining the growth rate of the culture. When an individual grows up in an environment with the culture of race discrimination and ethnic difference, the behavior of the same is reflected in the attitude of the same. The discriminating behavior is believed to be reflected in the thought process that ultimately affects the decision making capability of the individual (Jahoda 2015). Hence, the atmosphere within which, an individual has exposed off plays a significant step into modifying the thinking that they will have about other races. For example, an individual growing up in the German society will have higher pride in their race as they will consider themselves to be the superior compared to that of the other race and ethnic groups. Hence, as individual grows up in different cultural environment, their thought process varies mostly thereby causing high level s of social discrimination in the global community. According to the findings of the contemporary theories related to race and ethnicity, there exists a major dissonance between the ideas of empirical research and conceptualization. There is also the act of political activism that is causing higher levels of conflict within the people of the society. Knowles (2010), has mentioned about the fact that the concept of race with the contemporary ideas are isolated from all types of political engagement. The complexities of the ideas related to that of racism and that of the ethnic discrimination are one of the major causes of communal conflicts. This is believed to have higher levels of conflict within the modern society. The concept of racism is believed to be highly related to the activity of immigration. People from the developing nations like Asia and Africa often face the consequences of racial discrimination in many cases. This often leads to physical and mental torture of the immigrants. There also have been reports of ethnic cleansing, done under the name of ethnicity that is done by conflict from Iran and Sudan. The political disturbances that occur within the region of are believed to be the causes of ethnic and racial discrimination in the given region (Guo 2017). The global dimension of race is also another integrated complementary idea that aims to interconnect the globalized world. It can be said that the globalized world is facing racism and ethnic distribution as one of the major issues that are causing hindrance to the global economic progress. This is more evident from the scenarios of Middle East and Asian regions. In the given regards, the following sections will discuss the mental health issues that are caused due to the effects of racism and ethnic discrimination. It is also important to highlight the contemporary issues that will help the social care workers to focus developing intervention strategies. Effects of Race and ethnicity on mental health From the report of Takeuchi and Williams (2003), it is clear that the area of mental health is one of the highly integrated parts that is caused due to racism and ethnic discrimination. The parameter that has been used in the study of mental health and mental behavior regarding sociology has been a matter of constant debate. The minority groups, who have been subjected to the ethnic discrimination is believed to be more vulnerable to the effects of mental health. This evident due to the facts that most of the mental health patients belong to the category of constant social challenges and discrimination. Mossakowski and Zhang (2014), have mentioned about the fact that racial and ethnic discrimination acts as one of the major psychological stressors, which can bring about radical changes within individual. In the American region, the ethnic minority clients have been found to be reported to have higher level of mental health issues. This is mainly because most of the ethnically backward groups are not able to get the best access to mental health care service (Cheng and Mallinckrodt 2015). It is also important to note that due to lack of awareness among the socially backward, they are not able to avail the best quality of mental health service. Racism in Ireland There are various types of population in the community of Ireland. Nearly 12% of the population falls under racial minorities of Ireland. The population of the same is expected to be double by the second decade of the 21st century (Clayton 2014). The younger section of the population is believed to be the major victims of the racial discrimination as they are not able to get the best security from the haters. There also has been reporting, where immigrants have faced racial attack. Most of the violent attacks occur within the Asian people in social places that included trains and buses. All together that has been 245 officially reported cases of criminal activity in the form of racism (, 2018). The Immigrant Council of Ireland has arranged for roadside campaign, which aims to raise the level of awareness among the people. This also encourages the local people to take immediate action if they witness criminal activity in the name of racism. Challenge of Racism for social care workers Racism is still considered to be one of the significant social issues in the Global community in spite of all preventive measures taken in the form of civil rights implementation. Organized hate groups execute all forms of criminal activities that include preventing the minor groups to take part in social events and avail basic amenities, which includes health and education. The subject area of racism is considered to be one of major challenges for the care workers. The social care organization face the biggest threat from criminal activities. Hence, they are not able to appoint sufficient number of care workers as very few agree to compromise up on the level of safety. In spite of all forms of civil acts that are being implemented, there are certain limitations within the legal system that prevents the social care worker to take serious actions to improve the level of security. In case of Ireland, there is a lack of unified theory concerning the need of separated child. This gap within the legal system of Ireland for protection of separated child has prevented the social care workers to take measures by making their admission in school or social care center ( 2018). Cultural diversity concerning the global society is also one of the major challenges. The social care workers have been reported to face the issue of language difference among communities, which has prevented them from communicating properly with the victims of social and racial discrimination (Hunn 2018). Strategies Implemented by Social care workers to deal with issues related to race and ethnicity. From different kinds of theories related to race and ethnicity that have been mentioned in the previous sections, it is clear that the stronger section of the society exploits up on the social resources, thereby causing unequal distribution. From the theory of cultural prejudice, it is clear that the social environment and culture plays an important role in deciding up on the behavior of an individual on matters related to racism and social discrimination. Hence, the given context it is essential for the social care workers to spread awareness among Global communities, which is done by spreading essential knowledge (Cole 2017). The racial prejudice often has a negative impact on the society as they implement negative attitude among the people thereby compromising on the productivity of a society. There is also a chance of increasing risk of criminal activities that are caused due to increase of height among the society. The primary job of the social care workers is to document all ty pe of social prejudice activities, which will help them to prepare appropriate intervention strategies. Documentation process will also provide proper official evidence that will be in favor of the socially minor groups (Reamer 2015). It is also essential to take proper help from legal authority including advocates and lawyers. They will help in documenting the case against the exploiting group by making proper use of documentary evidence. In the given regards it is also essential to monitor the existing level policies; this will help in identifying the loopholes that exist in the presently implicated civil acts. It is also essential to create both short term and long term goals as a part of social care strategy. The short-term attitude includes changing people's attitude towards the minor social groups. On the other hand, the long-term goals include modification of institutional policies that will ensure the proper fundamental right for socially backward classes (Pellissery et al. 2015). As mentioned in the theoretical portion overexploitation of social resources is one of the major impacts of racism and ethnic differences. Hence, one of the essential duties of the social care workers is to estimate the social resources that include Healthcare facility and Educational Institute. It is essential for them to ensure that all the resources and basic services are evenly distributed within the society. In many cases, it has been seen the local government has not initiated to provide extra health care and education service that is needed for ensuring quality life of the socially backward classes. As a part of long-term strategy in social care against racism ethnic discrimination, it is essential to ensure that proper basic resources are available for all parts of the population. Proper time scale also needs to be implemented, which will ensure that all the services are being provided to the people with proper timing. It is also required to properly review and timely monitor all the implemented strategies. This will ensure proper rate of success of all implemented Strategies. Racism and discrimination in workplace and the ways to remove the same According to Triana et al. (2015), racism and discrimination are one of the major workplace related issues in the global society. This mainly occurs due to the culturally diverse group of employees in all major multinational corporations. The discrimination among employees in the workplace can have serious impact on the productivity. In order to deal with the same an Organization needs to recruit proper social care counselor as a part of human resource department workers. The social care worker needs to work effectively with the Human Resource Department, which will help them to implement proper recruitment strategy. This is implemented properly by ensuring adequate knowledge management system within the organization. Cultural training program needs to be an essential part of the activity within the workplace, which will help to increase the level of awareness among the employees. The care workers need to ensure proper social policy that is being implemented within the social organization, which will ensure equality in the form of equal pay among male and female employees. It is also essential to properly monitor the behavior of every employee, which is considered to be one of the practical solutions to identify any form of discrimination activities that occur in the workplace. The monitoring system can be enhanced by implementing CCTV cameras in every part of the workplace. Any form of violation needs to be dealt with strict management decisions that can include imposing heavy penalty on the convicted individual. Anti-racism policies for immigrants In major developed Nations like Australia and Canada racism against immigrants from Asian and African countries has been one of the major social issues. According to Martin and Carter (2015), it is essential to use transformative psychological approach to explore the experience of foreign student in Australia, who has been the victim of racism and ethnic discrimination. The proposed National anti-racism strategy aims to modify the overall legal system. This will help the government monitor all forms of criminal activities that occur in the name of racism in major cities of Australia. In 2011 the government implemented the anti-racism strategy, which aims to increase public awareness within all Educational Institutes. Proper education resources are also provided by the government for better quality of living of foreign students. All local youth and volunteers deployed to provide maximum assistant to the immigrant student so that they do not face any forms of negligence during the time they face become the victim of criminal activity in the form of racism ( 2018). The anti-racism policies of the European Union focuses on raising the level of awareness among the people about diverse range of culture, especially From Asian and African countries. It is essential to develop and anti-racism atmosphere through public campaigns. This will help to ensure that the White skinned people grow the respect to provide equal status to all black skinned people. The public awareness program is implemented through famous International events that may include football match or Global discussion forum where all the major leaders in Europe collaborate to make important administrative decisions. The training session program is in to remove ignorance that exists within the European society. It can also help to raise the level of awareness among the people by making them understand that with racism, they are ultimately affecting the productivity of the society thereby hampering economic growth. It is also essential to encourage business trade from foreign Nations, whi ch will help to increase the level of cultural diversity within the European community (, 2018). Conclusion In order to conclude the report, it can be site that racism and ethnic discrimination is one of the major social issues that has been encountered by the global society from an early period. Regarding the study of sociology the definition and origin of racism are mainly due to the difference in the biological origin of an individual. On the other hand, the ethnic differences occur due to the difference in culture and lifestyle. Social stratification is one of the major outcomes of social difference in the form of race and ethnic background. Sociologists have defined the theories of race and ethnicity, which has helped to highlight all form of communal issues. The prejudice theory emphasis on the fact that social hateritism develop within an individual due to their cultural learning. Conflict theory originates due to severe level of competition among individual in order to secure the Limited social resources. The contemporary theory is related to racism, and ethnic discrimination focuses on the political conflict that is highly come on in the modern society. It also uses the theory of globalization in order to properly identify the source of social discrimination. The mental health issue is highly related to social discrimination because socially backward classes are often deprived of basic services that include health and education. Nevertheless, the social care workers in spite of several challenges are implementing strict policies in the form of anti-racism policies. They are also aiming to increase the level of awareness among individual by incorporating the knowledge of cultural diversity. 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