Friday, November 29, 2019
Job analysis of an elementary teacher Essay Example
Job analysis of an elementary teacher Essay In this paper we will examine how a Job analysis which helps describe Jobs and/or human attributes necessary to perform the tasks and Job Component Inventory OIC) method are used for an elementary teacher; by shows what tools, responsibilities, communication and demands are required for this position(Specter, 2014). This will allow an Individual to see how the reliability and validity of ICC works and how It describes the use of objects that will relate to the workers in this setting. Next, we ill see how a performance appraisal in this Job is based on professional learning and growth (Teacher Performance Appraisal System, 2014). Finally, we will look at the benefits and vulnerabilities that are associated with ICC and how it may affect this work setting. The hope is that in the end we can see how ICC can be used as a guide line for teachers. Job Summary With direction from the school principal the teacher is responsible for the education of selected students and will generate a flexible curriculum and classroom environment encouraging for learning and personal growth. The teacher needs to create a strong relationship with the student to help motivate students to develop skills, attitudes, and the know how to provide a strong foundation for future education, while taking the students valuables Into account. There will also be professional relationships developed and maintained between parents and other teachers. The physical demands for this field is considered a LIGHT physical demand characteristic of work position in accordance with the Dictionary of Occupational Title (DOT). Educating the Students Vital Functions The teacher must teach subject matter such as reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, art science, physical education, and music while utilizing the curriculum proposed by the Board of Education. Then there must be a course plan developed that assists each students needs, and utilize the different teaching techniques to express the lesson In a way that Is productive to student learning and utilizes the allotted time available for the Instruction. We will write a custom essay sample on Job analysis of an elementary teacher specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Job analysis of an elementary teacher specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Job analysis of an elementary teacher specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The use of computers, chalk boards, overhead projectors and other visual aids will be used for student instruction. Physical demands for this position require the teacher to be able to stand and walk around the classroom the majority of the time. While also being able to bend, kneel, lean at the waist to communicate with a student at their desk. The ability to hold light weight objects for demonstrations at waist level and slightly above the head may be frequently required. The use of the black board is frequently required while also grasping chalk and an eraser while reaching below, at waist, and above the head occasionally with the frequent need to twist at the waist and neck to observe the class. On a rotating basis there Is a need for assistance with physical education which Involves lifting, using the upper body to assist students with their pull-ups and other actively. While on playground duty It Is required to be able to walk on even and uneven surfaces such as grass, gravel and maneuvering around curbs. The ability to lift up to 25 pounds around the room and halls maybe required The need for communication with parents is necessary through conferences over the phone or in person to discuss academic and personal progress and talk about there school programs. As a teacher the communications with other academic advisors will be needed for professional and personal growth. The participation in faculty meetings and committee sponsorship student activities is required on occasions. The need to address a stressful situation created by an upset or hostile student may arise but the ability to remain calm and listen non-critically but must also remain consistent with Judgments. Remain sensitive to a student who is non- compliant by try to meet the students needs by showing increased personal interest and involvement. Upholding Professional Standards Demonstrate professional ethics while conforming to district policies including attendance, evaluations and absences. The attendance must be sufficient to successfully perform the listed Job functions. Also the need to maintain professional proficiency is done through in-service activities offered by the district and self- selected growth activities. The times that are required for attendance are as followed teachers arrive at AAA. M. And may leave between 4:30-5:00 p. M. And there is also a 30 min lunch offered as long as weather permits. Working in the classroom 84-90% of the day but when needed outside activities such as recess, fire drills and any other special activity may occur. Reliability and Validity of ICC In this type of setting ICC can prove to be validated and reliable because it has helped to evaluate if a person meets requirements or needs more training in certain areas. Even though situations may vary the overall assessment is positive. This method shows what tools and physical demands will be placed on a teacher and how certain requirements can affect performance appraisals. As for the benefits and limitlessness for ICC it has its share of both due to personal interpretation and exaggerations people use to get Jobs. In closing this paper has shown what a Job analysis may look like using Job Components Inventory as a method and what some of the requirements are of an elementary teacher are. There are not only physical but mental demands required to hold this position. Planning and meeting ones own professional goals as well as those of the students helps to make for a proper teacher and good performance appraisals. The validity and reliability for ICC has been shown to be high in regards to eloping professionals pick Jobs that meet their abilities and skill set. The benefits and vulnerability aspect has not been conclusive due to human nature to exaggerate ones own abilities in a Job interview. However, it has sill shown beneficial with regards to pointing out key functions required for the position as a teacher.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Fear - Argumentum ad Baculum
Appeal to Force/Fear - Argumentum ad Baculum The Latin term argumentum ad baculum means argument to the stick. This fallacy occurs whenever a person makes an implicit or explicit threat of physical or psychological violence against others if they refuse to accept the conclusions offered. It can also occur whenever its claimed that accepting a conclusion or idea will lead to disaster, ruin, or harm. You can think of the argumentum ad baculum as having this form: Some threat of violence is made or implied. Therefore, the conclusion should be accepted. It would be very unusual for such a threat to be logically relevant to the conclusion or for the truth-value of a conclusion to be made any more likely by such threats. A distinction should be made, of course, between rational reasons and prudential reasons. No fallacy, the Appeal to Force included, can give rational reasons to believe a conclusion. This one, however, might give prudential reasons for action. If the threat is credible and bad enough, it might provide a reason to act as if you believed it. It is more common to hear such a fallacy in children, for example when one says If you dont agree that this show is the best, Ill hit you! Unfortunately, this fallacy isnt limited to children. Examples and Discussion of the Appeal to Force Here are some ways in which we sometimes see the appeal to force used in arguments: You should believe God exists because, if you dont, when you die you will be judged and God will send you to Hell for all of eternity. You dont want to be tortured in Hell, do you? If not, it is a safer bet to believe in God than to not believe. This is a simplified form of Pascals Wager, an argument often heard from some Christians. A god is not made any more likely to exist simply because someone says that if we dont believe in it, then we will be harmed in the end. Similarly, belief in a god is not made any more rational simply because we are afraid of going to some hell. By appealing to our fear of pain and our desire to avoid suffering, the above argument is committing a Fallacy of Relevance. Sometimes, the threats can be more subtle, as in this example: We need a strong military in order to deter our enemies. If you dont support this new spending bill to develop better airplanes, our enemies will think we are weak and, at some point, will attack us - killing millions. Do you want to be responsible for the deaths of millions, Senator? Here, the person doing the arguing isnt making a direct physical threat. Instead, they are bringing psychological pressure to bear by suggesting that if the Senator does not vote for the proposed spending bill, s/he will be responsible for other deaths later on. Unfortunately, no evidence is offered that such a possibility is a credible threat. Because of this, there is no clear connection between the premise about our enemies and the conclusion that the proposed bill is in the countrys best interests. We can also see the emotional appeal being used - no one wants to be responsible for the deaths of millions of fellow citizens. The Appeal to Force fallacy can also occur in cases where no actual physical violence is offered, but instead, just threats to ones well being. Patrick J. Hurley uses this example in his book A Concise Introduction to Logic: Secretary to boss: I deserve a raise in salary for the coming year. After all, you know how friendly I am with your wife, and Im sure you wouldnt want her to find out whats been going on between you and that sexpot client of yours. It doesnt matter here whether anything inappropriate has been going on between the boss and the client. What matters is that the boss is being threatened - not with physical violence like being hit, but rather with his marriage and other personal relationships being destabilized if not destroyed.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Character Analysis of the Short Story Mrs. Turner Cutting the Grass by Essay
Character Analysis of the Short Story Mrs. Turner Cutting the Grass by Carol Shields - Essay Example As the past history of Mrs. Turner unfolds, the reader is left gasping at the many dalliances and infedities of this ordinary woman. Indeed, this story is a testimony to the belief that behind simple facades lie some of the most interesting lives. The story begins simply enough with Mrs. Turner going through a routine task and the reader is led to believe that she is going to be confronted with a neighborly fight, but soon we find ourselves in the youth of Mrs. Turner. Carol Shields, with a quick turn of phrase talks of the peccadilloes of Mrs. Turner youth, her subsequent fleeing to New York, her abandonment of her child, her return to her home town and the final settling down into domesticity. B. Carelessness was indeed one of Mrs. Turner’s unusual traits. This is very apparent when we see her mowing the lawn. The grass flies around her but she does not use a catcher, to the dismay of the Saschers, her next door neighbor. Her extensive use of pesticides to control the weeds is another instance of carelessness she exhibits. C. Again, we see Mrs. Turner’s careless and casual attitude which results in her pregnancy which she carried so far as to even abandon her little baby, unmindful of what would happen to it. Her physical appearance is also hastily put together as evinced from the following phrases that go to describe this attitude saying she had an â€Å"ancient pair of shorts†, paired with a halter top. She has on her feet a pair of â€Å"crepe-soled sandals†and covers her head with her dead husband’s golf cap. D. This trait of carelessness of Mrs. Turner gets her often into trouble and makes her a person of contempt and disgust to all those around her. Her pregnancy was the result of a careless dalliance, which ultimately made her leave New York because she found that she could not take care of a baby by herself. E. Mrs. Turner was a woman not used to doing things for others and in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
West Yorkshire Police And A Merger Research Proposal
West Yorkshire Police And A Merger - Research Proposal Example The goal being to incorporate the police together so they would ultimately be together under one unit. The proposal will investigate the issues that would arise for the public sector as a result of the mergers. In addition, the perception of the police regarding the merger will be examined. The purpose of the research on the merger is to investigate and present the action methods that will work best to formulate a decision regarding the merger and reach a conclusion as to the best and most ethical course. There are many fact ors to be taken into consideration regarding a merger.. Included in the Yorkshire Police merger are legal issues, A recent newspaper article re ported on these issues. That the government was being taken to the high court over its plans to merge police forces, while rebel Labour MPs plan to derail the scheme in the Commons. Cleveland police force is to seek a judicial review of the home secretary's plans to merge it with the Durham and Northumbria forces. Guardian Unlimited Guardian News and Media Limited 2007 It further reportd thar While this was going on a group of Labour MPs led by John Grogan intends to sabotage the merger plans when they come through the Commons in the autumn. This twin opposition is John Reid's second major headache since being appointed at the start of the month, following the debacle of the failure to deport released foreign prisoners. The idea of bigger, better resourced, forces came in the wake of criticism of the small Cambridgeshire police force's response to the Soham murders. Guardian Unlimited Guardian News and Media Limited 2007 My research concluded that a go od merger is contingent on good planning and research Law enforcement in the United Kingdom is not the responsibility of one single police service serving the general public; with the exception of various special police forces and of Northern Ireland (which has one unified force, the Police Service of Northern Ireland), police forces are arranged in geographical areas matched to the boundaries of one or more local authorities; in recent years being increasingly described as "territorial police forces". (Baskerville 2004 p 329) In turn, these forces are regulated by the laws of the appropriate country within the UK (administration of police matters is not generally affected by the Government of Wales Act 2006), i.e., Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales. It is common for the territorial police forces in England and Wales to be referred to as "Home Office" police forces, after the government department which exercises control at a national level in England and Wales but this is erroneous as the description can encompass a number of miscellaneous forces subject to some kind of control by the Home Office but which are not the concern of the various Police Acts which control territorial police forces. (Bakersville 2004 p330) In 1981, James Anderton, the then Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police called for 10 regional police forces for England and Wales, one for each of the regions which would be adopted as Government Office Regions in England, and Wales.[2] A 2004 proposal by the Police Superintendents Association for the creation of a single national police force, similar to the Garda Sochna na hireann was rejected by the Association of Chief Police Officers, and the government has thus far agreed.[3] In September 2005, in a report[4] delivered to the then Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary suggested that the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Specific Terminology Found in the Health Care Environment Essay
Specific Terminology Found in the Health Care Environment - Essay Example The following terms are directly applicable to the health care system today and in fact play an influential role in maintaining a proper medical environment because they are used to describe various needs of medical professionals, societal issues, and also lean towards what is needed with regard to costs and supplies in the medical environment. For instance, when we think of economics we normally concentrate on business or issues such as home design, and other social areas that are separate from the health environment. However, economics actually is applied to the medical world by the social interactions that are involved. For example, economics becomes a part of the nursing environment in particular when they are trying to increase disease awareness in the community. By focusing on a social aspect of healthcare such as what it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle then the medical intent becomes one of an economic means that affects the whole of a society. This is wh at economics of healthcare can mean but it isn’t the only area that can be affected by the term. Cost of healthcare can become economic as well if there is a balance of cost versus health care to the public being adjusted in the management area of health care. So the term is actually multifaceted to reach many areas of the healthcare field but basically, has a strong focus in the area of needed resources. Now, macroeconomics while similar to the basic economics of healthcare is still indeed different. ... Cost of health care can become economic as well if there is a balance of cost versus health care to the public being adjusted in the management area of health care. So the term is actually multifaceted to reach many areas of the healthcare field but basically has a strong focus in the area of needed resources. Now, macroeconomics while similar to the basic economics of healthcare is still indeed different. When a person hears the term "macroeconomics" crop up in discussions concerning areas of healthcare the assumption about it is initially different than what it actually is implied to mean. Macroeconomics comes into play when medical professionals are trying to work on plans to decrease problematic areas in health care and make areas become more efficient to the generalized public. It in fact is a term that is often communicated when the cost of healthcare is being discussed as well as when an immediate need for an increased efficiency of care becomes a necessity within certain heal th care sectors. Microeconomics is even more similar to macroeconomics than the regular terminology of economics itself is though they all interlace with one another. Although microeconomics within itself will not be of assistance to doctors in reaching specific diagnosis's, the terminology does play a crucial role when trying to acquire a more fluid understanding of this principle as well as ones relative to it. This is due to the fact that a better understanding of various economic principles can help medical professionals search for more logical methods to improve quality health care in a timely and cost efficient manner to the public. It can also help to find ways of managing resources that are needed more comprehensively. So it is easily
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Examining The Revolution Of Internet Usage Media Essay
Examining The Revolution Of Internet Usage Media Essay Internet usage has brought revolution in communication. In the recent past, there has been advancement internet technology making internet more accessible to many peoples. In business and institutions internet communication has brought major changes to how communication is made. One of the major effects of internet is making information more accessible to most people. Although this has been highly praised, it has brought questions on regulation on usage of internet. In the recent past families, organizations, institutions, interest groups and even governments have been calling for internet censorship. Internet censorship can have positive impact depending on context. New technological innovations have led to the introduction of internet services which play a major role in the world of communication. The internet provides an appropriate forum, where people can communicate with one another regardless of their geographical location. Due to minimal regional restriction on internet services, people from virtually all ages with internet knowledge in most part of the world can easily access it. Conventionally, internet was a communication tool that mainly consisted of e-mail service. Internet users still sign up for user accounts through which they receive and send e-mails to other registered users (Foerstel 120). Since the modifications of original internet user configurations, internet has significantly improved in its functions as it provides a wide array of options in both private and commercial websites with a lot of information. North Korea is considered among the top blog-unfriendly nations in the world due to internet censorship. It is only the foreigners and politically privileged people who are allowed to access the internet freely in the country. Consequently, there is no openly existent blog in leading to difficulties by North Koreans to access blogs. Journalists are allowed by the government of North Korea into the country on condition that they are followed around by watchers to ensure they do not indulge in suspicious activities. The government also carries out censorship on news before it is made public hence control over all information that the citizens receive (Icon Group International, Inc. 39). In Pakistan, self censorship by media companies started with the reign of General Zia who was both the president and army chief (Icon Group International, Inc. 48). In this form of censorship, press material is checked so that the governments credibility is not tarnished. All press material in Pakistan must favor the government of the day to ensure political serenity in the country. In Guilford County, North Carolina, initial plans to ban two books The Color Purple and Native Son that were used in teaching literature in the curriculum faced a petition to eliminate them from the coursework and won. This was as a result of a censorship policy which was aimed at using software and other means to restrict pornographic material from being accessed from online sources or school libraries, a move that was considered unconstitutional (Foerstel 207). School boards in Lima, Ohio and Jackson County in Ripley unanimously voted against this form of censorship by the year 1999. At the same period, The Color Purple was eliminated from the curriculum and libraries at Ferguson High School in Virginia (Foerstel 207) due to claims of vulgar language and explicit content. This form of internet restriction was received as an unappreciative move of eliminating library material for scholars. As a result of the censorship move gaining negative response, lawmakers prepared new and better rules that allowed scholars to obtain online information without the boundaries censorship caused as a result of preventing public obscenity displays through the internet (Foerstel 114). The internet came with a myriad of challenges and in some cases, unique set of unanticipated drawbacks also came forming its disadvantages. Based on extreme case scenarios, this essay seeks to argue against the application of censorship policies to information sources on the internet. It goes ahead to suggest the alternative need for better protection policies that favor both the users and controlling bodies before finalizing on the extent of its applicability if deemed necessary. Sandra Hughes of CBS news reports of Robert Wise, an online sex predator who preys on a 14 year old girl and later on gets arrested for soliciting for sex from a minor unfolding the dangers of unrestricted online communication between different parties. The CBS reporter further gives an account of the story of Kyla Reed, a 15 year old who goes missing without a trace after being an active participant in MySpace. Investigations link her disappearance to her activities on the social network (Kreiser 7). The culmination of such stories is a likely reason that would arouse governments to conduct censorship of the internet. This would however not put an end to the activities of predators as they would carry them out elsewhere. It is a preferable option to innovate alternative means of preventing online predators. Various aspects of socialization can be attributed to interactions through the internet that have improved communication among different users of the web. This has been made possible by internet service developers inventing ways of configuring more sophisticated services such as voice over internet protocols and instant messaging services that pave way for the creation of highly interactive web sites. Presently, Face book, MySpace and Twitter are the leading social internet sites which use chats as the latest culmination of instant messaging service among other options for internet communication. Such web sites reflect on the need to have communication infrastructure which appreciates urgency and convenience, the limitations in the physical environment notwithstanding. Restricted internet use would bar intercommunication among people of different cultures thus deterring the build up of social ties and should be avoided where applicable. Internet usage is increasingly becoming a necessity to users who spend most of their time searching for information that is to be implemented in either personal or professional use. Internet also plays a fundamental role in the media fraternity as it is a means of sending and receiving both local and international news (Jones 19). Basing on this, communication is made much easier for journalists because they have access to vital information through the internet and a ready audience. CBS and other news networks have links on Face book, Tweeter and MySpace to keep track of its audience for information dissemination. With new innovations, there were introductions of updated journals in form of blogs which provided diverse information. Journalists are however criticized by scholars as being supposedly cynical in their work which brings about the claim of lack of professionalism. Jones weblog on Real and fake news shows the criticism reporters receive from the public and intellectuals for what they term as irresponsibility caused by bias in reporting. They brand this as the main reason for the young people being politically ill informed as a result of turning to non credible or single sided sources of information (Jones 20). Such political content in news makes authorities have reason to ground a basis for information censorship. Positively impacting sites include those which are educative and informative in terms of providing essential academic materials to users. In addition, many people use online services to communicate with people across the continent. At present, communication is much easier through the internet because people can easily chat from sites of social networks. Apart from education and communication purposes, the internet has gained popularity because of its entertainment nature as users can play games, download pictures, music and movies (Contrada 117). Despite the many benefits derived from internet use, there has been a realization of some setbacks. Internet can negatively influence users since it at times contains offensive and explicit materials. At a very rampant rate, sexual sites with pornographic content are frequently visited by people of different ages including underage children out of curiosity or ignorance. Regardless of parental monitoring, it is very difficult to control what children do while using computers. For this reason, there are controversies on what basis the internet should be censored (Farhi 5). Due to high levels of possible risks that vulnerable internet users are predisposed to, censoring online services is increasingly becoming a preference to authorities since it promises protection to its users from the proliferation of malpractices such as sexual exploitation. Censoring is seen as a probable solution that would therefore help parents who have difficult time in controlling their childrens access to pornographic sites that display distorting material oblivious of what their effects may be. Similarly, the degree of devastating effects that it has on the users is deliberately ignored by the hosts to the detriment of the society. Even though censoring of internet content may not have a major influence on the amount of responsibility adults practice on the vulnerable group, it is important to control unsociable internet activities like human trafficking (Chawki Wahab 1). People especially, women and children often fall into the trap of human traffickers who advertise themselves and conduct most of their practices through the sites. Without knowing many people are blindly lured into such illegal practices since it is sometimes difficult to judge the credibility of a given site due to their persuasive nature. To help curb these cases, censorship may seem to be a preferable option. However, governments involved should come up with new ways of monitoring the use of internet especially in criminal activities such as human trafficking (Chawki Wahab 4). In relation to e-mail services, censoring the internet would prevent users from illegally accessing unauthorized information. E-mail intruders would therefore have a difficult time in acquiring information once the internet is censored. In addition, censoring internet information will help detect and prevent behaviors and habits of users with malicious motives. This is likely to save the society a lot of social problems that lead to loss of moral wellbeing. The main reason is that all undesirable information is crushed automatically when the internet is censored. Furthermore, users are protected from hate mails or any other information from the populace that leads to negative effects. Censoring the internet can be beneficial since it will ensure control of the kind of material that people access such as government information. These administrative bodies are usually strict when it comes to secrets and will always try to conceal vital records from the public. Although there are ways of concealing information, some individuals will work out ways of accessing such records through the web. Arresting such people may not be a permanent solution because others might continue with the trend. Effective innovative ways to detect and prevent these malicious acts would be a useful remedy to the governments since the public will not succeed in acquiring any secrets (Drezner 34). Although censoring the internet can be advantageous, it may deny non-targeted individuals the opportunity of accessing important information (Contrada 83). Internet should not be censored because it may prevent people from getting vital information. Such information as educative content, scientific information based on recent studies may lead to new ideas that could be hidden from users. Therefore, censoring internet sources is likely to hinder innovation and new discoveries because the means of acquiring new and supportive information is complicated. Censoring the internet can also be a disadvantage to individuals as they would not get the opportunity to express themselves. Internet is a place where people can openly express themselves to other people. Furthermore, it is also a place where people can learn about the views of others. By restricting online services, free interaction would be hindered. To a certain level, a particular government can benefit from internet restrictions although it would be at the expense of its citizens (Contrada 64). This means that internet censoring is seen as only benefiting the government while its citizens suffer. Such a government risks being viewed as overly oppressive. In most cases, censoring internet sources may appear like denying citizens the right to information. People have the need to acquire knowledge about all changes that are happening around them and in other places. Restricting online services will also prevent them from knowing important information about the government. It is not fair to put people in the dark especially when there are difficulties in the country. Societies are part of a country and so should be updated of various issues within the nation (Contrada 32). Moreover, censoring the internet would prevent the media from accessing and conveying essential information to citizens by the government. There should be freedom of the press whereby journalists can express themselves without any restrictions. Once online services are restricted, journalists may be unable to even access international news. In America, restricting the internet would go against the 1st Amendment right which states that there should be freedom of speech and press (Drezner 33). Globalization is increasingly changing the world of communication as there are new technologies which make interactions much easier. Internet communication is considered as one of the major sources of information to the media fraternity both locally and internationally. Censoring the internet may therefore limit the manner in which the media sends information to its target consumers and limit intercultural communication which is widely done through the web. Journalists are frequent internet users as they receive and convey information through different sites. Journalists prefer using blogs because it is a quick method of information dissemination especially when conveying urgent and important information. Through blog sites, journalists are able to discuss a wide range of topics which including politics, economy, environment, finance and many more. More often, journalists use online services to publish political issues that may affect their country or other countries. If the internet is censored, it would not be possible for people to acquire certain information about political issues. Online services should not be censored because it would prevent journalists from hosting and visiting blog sites that are very essential to them. Apart from blogs, journalists normally visit social networks which they use due to their fast nature and popularity in information conveyance. Journalists also prefer the site especially for stories that are changing so fast such as the development of a report on survivors of a plane crash. Mainstream media depend s on such information since collection and encoding can be done fast. (Farhi 3). Primarily, internet plays an essential role in the world of communication. Through the internet, people are able to communicate with one another regardless of their geographical locations. Online service is therefore one of the major source of information to media fraternity. (Rosen 3). Although internet is very useful to genuine users, it also has limitations since it is characterized by sites that contain sexual materials. Censoring the internet has been made necessary owing to the need for keeping unauthorized individuals at bay through blocking access to sites by users who cannot practice self censorship as a result of ignorance or curiosity. The demerits arising from liberal internet use can however be curbed by coming up with monitoring policies that protect and prevent vulnerable groups. This is mainly because censorship would deny genuine internet users the opportunity to acquire information from a variety of sources. A better recommendation would be to develop alternative internet policies that permit users to access specific sites on the internet. This would protect vulnerable groups from exploitation by malicious people thus enhancing the security of the state.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Hiroshima :: essays research papers
The first most powerful bomb, which is called the atom bomb, was dropped on August 6 , 1945. In a city located in Japan, called Hiroshima. With these facts and the information i've read from this one book called "Hiroshima" I have a very strong opinion which I will speak of now. I think that the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima was a petty, childish way of trying to win a war. It was inhuman, so horrible that anyone whom lived through it, would most likely be traumatized for the rest of their living lives. I don't think what the Americans did was very right at all. If they wanted a war, not that war is a way to solve anything, then they should have fought the old fashioned way. Rather than ruining so many peoples lives. Atomic bombs are not something that should even be in existence, but they are. There's really nothing we can do about them, because of the more powerful people in this world. They find this extraordinary weapons to be their only defense. But I think it's pathetic. They go off an kill so many people, and wounded the rest. They brought many cities to destruction and cost them millions of dollars to rebuild. You just can't toy with peoples lives like that. I think it should be illegal. If they wanted to harm certain people, then fight it out with them. Don't kill innocent peoples lives. If they knew the enormous danger and effects of this new bomb, then they shouldn't have done it. Perhaps they could have found a different way to finish this all.Critical Appraisal- "Z for Zachariah" and "Hiroshima"In my personal opinion "Z for Zachariah" could have been a bit more accurate in which ways they made the radiation affect people. First off, in "Hiroshima", which was a true story, not all the people died from the radiation, yes they got very ill from it. Such as fevers, vomiting, hair loss, white blood count going up and down, etc. But most of them died from all the wounds from the bomb. And the radiation didn't kill and poison all the things within the bomb as it did in "Z". "Hiroshima" had alot more telling about how the radiation effect the people physically than "Z" did. They were pretty close to getting the same idea of what happens when people get radiation, but they missed quite a few points.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Effect of Technology and Network Security Support on Information Security Essay
Introduction Information security has become one of the challenges in ripping benefits of information technology. It has been found out that most people fear using modern information and communication technology due to fear of the privacy of their personal details. Information technology has supported the growth of online services like e-commerce, e-banking, e-governance, and many others which required people to give their sensitive personal details. However, practice like hacking and others which breach security of information have eroded personal confidence in use of ICT service. Information security can be described as the act of giving protection to information and systems by denying unauthorized access, use, disclosure or modification. The effect of Technology on information security The following are the technological methods that are used in ensuing information security; Authentication Authentication is the process through which a person or any other things undergoes through a verification process to determine whether it is the one. It is the way through which something or someone is confirmed to establish whether the claim made is actually true (McNab, 2004). Authentication may involve confirmation of personal identity, origin of any artifact or basically making assurance that computer programs is trusted. Authentication is one of the commonly used methods of ensuring information security. It may be implemented through different methods including; Password A password can be defined as private information that is only known to the owner. A password assigns a user identity which is associated with the password. The password therefore becomes the gateway for the user to access that particular identity (Information Resources, 2009).  Passwords are personal and therefore the standard of the password is very important. Strong passwords are difficult to guess as compared to weak passwords and therefore they offer more security to private information. It is important that user safeguard their password and once they suspect that someone else has accessed their passwords they should consider changing them to ensure security. Token A security token is a hardware device that is used by the owner to authenticate their identity. Once the device is recognized by the network, the user is given access to the system. A token can be in different forms ranging from smart cards, key fob, and many others (Erin, 2005). Tokens provide high level security through two-factor authentication method. First, the owner has a personal identification number or PIN which authorizes them to access the device. Second the device displays that PIN number of the user to the system which allows them to access the system. Unlike passwords, token are more secure since even if the device falls in wrong hands, it will be difficult to guess the PIN. The four types of tokes include static password, synchronous dynamic password, asynchronous password, and challenge response. Biometrics Biometric is one of the most advance authentication techniques that are used when dealing with many people. It will be observed that today, everyone enters in a baseball match after their physical characteristics have been recorded in a system while in school kids use their thumb to access meals. These represent the commonly used biometric techniques where the emphasis is one authentication using personal physical characteristics (Down and Sands, 2004).  Biometric uses different physical characteristics including eye, face, voice, fingerprints, shape of the hand, and many others. These characteristics are quite unique to every individual and they are one of the strong proofs to the personal identity.  However, biometric authentication devices are very costly to buy and maintain and therefore they are used in very sensitive situations. One of the greatest weaknesses of this method is that it is very easy to attacked stored comparison images than to copy those physical traits. In most cases, biometrics is used as a two factor authentication methods where a password is combined with personal physical appearance. Software There are a number of softwares that have been developed to protect information in any network. The following are common software used in information security; Antivirus Antivirus are software developed to protect information from virus, spy ware, and malware. Antiviruses are used mostly in internet connected network where there is a high risk of spread of virus (Dhillon, 2007). Antivirus software mostly used includes MacAfee, Karspasky, NOD32, and many others. Content filtering Content filtering is also known as information filtering. It encompasses the use of software to screen information on computers. It is also used in internet firewall especially by corporations to guard some information considered private. Content filtering helps to include or to exclude some information which can be accessed by a person and excluding information which is deemed objectionable (Dhillon, 2007). Content filtering is also used at home and at school in order to filter information that can be accessed by children. In this case, it is used to filter out pornographic materials and violence oriented materials. In the internet content filtering can be classified into web filtering where some WebPages are filtered out and e-mail filtering where e-mails are screened for spam. However, content filtering is criticized on the ground that some important information may be filtered out of the accessible content such that the information accessed does not really help the user. Encryption With the increased use of the internet, a great deal of sensitive personal information is sent from one person to another or to an organization. This raises serious questions regarding the safety of that information and the confidence that only the intended receiver receives and understands the information. To raise this level of confidence, data encryption method has been developed (Biham and Shamir, 1991). Although encryption has been used since the time of Roman Empire, it has become more complicated and with diverse use today. Encryption mainly involves conversion of a readable data to another form which can only be read and understood by a specified person or computer. This information is regarded as ciphered or encrypted data since it cannot be understood easily. It is recovered back to its original form through decryption. The level of protection and integrity in encryption is enforced by the use of message authentication code or digital signature. Message authentication code creates a secret key for the sender and receiver of the information which makes it more secure and authentic. Today, there are many softwares that are used in encrypting data. However, encryption is not one of the most secure methods of ensuring data security since there are various methods like traffic analysis, brute force, TEMPEST, and many others which can be used to crack the encrypted data (Biham and Shamir, 1991). It has been found that even some of the most complex algorithms like RSA, DES and others can be broken using these softwares. iii. Hardware Firewalls have also played an important role in enhancing information security. They can be used either in hardware or in software or when the two are combined. In day to day uses, firewalls are important in protection unauthorized access to a private network which is connected to the internet especially in the cases of intranets (Whitman and Mattord, 2007).  Firewalls filters all messaging entering and leaving the intranet to ensure that it blocks those messages which are devoid of the set security standards. There are four major types of techniques used in implementing firewalls including Packet filter This is one of the most effective and transparent firewall techniques. Under this technique, each and every packet entering and leaving the network is filtered and only those which meet user defined criteria are allowed while the rest are blocked. However, the technique is quite difficult to configure and is more susceptible to IP spoofing. Application gateway Application gateway applies a defined security mechanism to some specific applications like FTP, Telnet servers, and others. Although it is quite effective, it can also lead to degradation of performance. Circuit level gateway This technique applies firewall security only when a TCP or UDP connected has been made. Once the connection is established, packets of data continue to flow without being checked since a secure connection has been made. Proxy server Proxy server technique intercepts in and out of a network. The server is quite effective in hiding the network addresses and hence cannot be obtained easily. The effect of Network Security Support on information security Although technology has been effective in deterring cyber crime, it is clear that technology alone cannot work. Even with the advanced technology and application of the various information security methods we have reviewed above, human support is still needed. There are various ways that have been employed in supporting technological method to fight cyber crimes. The following are some of these methods: Hacker Hunters Hacker hunters are special branches that have been set up in police department aimed at tracking down cyber criminals. Hacker hunters are prowling cyberspace with an aim of tracking down and arresting professional cyber criminals who are motivated by big profits made online. Hacker hunters are employing gumshoe techniques to track down cyber crime suspect (Grow and Bush, 2005). They are employing various methods including infiltration of hacker groups, monitoring the hackers through underground networks, and when possible, intercepting the hackers before they can cause any damage. Most important, hacker hunters are relying on intelligence in order to track cyber criminals. They are using informants inside hackers group to get vital information regarding their operation. For example in 2004, Hacker Hunters in Washington unleashed Operation Firewall in which they targeted members of the ShandowCrew tracking them through their website with the help of an informant from the group.  Hackers Hunters must therefore seek inside information from individuals in these groups in order to fight deter them. They are applying the same principles that were used in the 1960s to fight organized crime since both are similar in many aspects. Police Operations Police operations work in the same manner as hacker hunters. In most cases, police operations are carried out by a special group within the police force and reinforce the work of hacker hunters. For example in the above case, the Special Agents in the operation firewall got assistance from the local police forces. Therefore police operations are important in pursuing cyber criminals to ensure security of information (Leyden, 2004). Unlike hacker hunters, police operations are carried out as fighting of routine crimes. This means that although there may be a special group carrying out police operations, it may not be entirely specialized in fighting cybercrime. In most countries, there are special internet police departments which are used in fighting internet crimes. These police departments are entrusted with carrying out important functions like fighting cybercrime, censorship, propaganda, online scams, manipulation of online opinions, and others. However one of their most important duties is to work closely with hacker hunters in intervening and apprehending cyber criminals. Internet police departments also collaborate with other police departments in other countries in enforcing internet security laws and apprehending cyber criminals. In the international front, Interpol has been important in enforcing international crimes. iii. Network Security Service Companies For many companies, proving information security is an expensive endeavor. Companies are not only required to install hardware and software devices, but they must also collaborate with authority to ensure information security. However, the growth of corporate resources in provision of secure business environment has made many information security methods inefficient and expensive (Lighthouse Security Group, 2009). For this reason, most companies are finding it appropriate to outsource comprehensive and streamlined network security services from Network Security Services Company. Network Security Service Companies have also become important in enforcing information security. These are companies which are specialized in providing services to enforce information security.  These companies offer Managed Security Services (MSS) which are security capabilities mostly outsourced by other companies. These services vary from supplementing of an existing security system to offering a complete new MSS where the Network Security Service Company is entrusted with information security. However, MSS is just one of the different types of managed services others including routing, hosting, LAN, VPN, and others.  Network Security Service Companies therefore offer specialized high quality network security services ensuring for many enterprises. Conclusion The increased incidence of breach of privacy of information has had negative impact on adoption of ICT services. The emergence of e-commerce, e-banking, e-governance and other online services which required input of sensitive personal details have been affected by increased hacking of information. There are different methods that have been developed to increase information security mainly through the use of technology and network support on information security. Technological methods include authentication through password, token, biometrics; software including antivirus, content filtering, or encryption; and hardware through use of firewall techniques. Network security support includes hacker hunters, police operations, and security services offered by network security service companies. Reference: Biham, E. & Shamir, A. (1991). Differential cryptanalysis of DES-like Cryptosystems. Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 4(1): 3-72 Dhillon, G. (2007). Principles of information systems security: text and cases. NY: John Wiley & Sons Down, M. P & Sands, R. (2004). Biometrics: An Overview of the Technology, Challenges and Control Considerations. Federal Computer Week, 21(13) Erin, B. (2005). Information security: Token. Boston, Technology Press Grow, B. & Bush, J. (2005). Hacker Hunters: An elite force takes on the dark side of computing. Retrieved 28th April 2009 from Information Resources, (2009). Security tips: Password protection. Retrieved 28th April 2009 from Leyden, J. (2004). Enforcement is key in fighting cybercrime. Retrieved 28th April 2009 from Lighthouse Security Group, (2009). Enterprise security solutions. Retrieved 28th April 2009 McNab, C. (2004). Network Security Assessment. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Whitman, M. & Mattord, J. (2007). Management of information security. Boston, Technology Press
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Iraq War essays
The Iraq War essays Since 1979, the Iraqi people have been living under a tyrant. The dictator (Saddam Hussein) took over as the President of Iraq after persuading the current leader Al-bakr to step down. The Iraqis had no idea how their way of life would change over the next thirty years. Saddam led his country with little sympathy towards two of the three Islamic tribes that resided in Iraq. During his first months as president, Saddam had many Shia and Kurdish tribesmen murdered. His distaste for any tribe other than the Sunni became obvious as he slaughtered and maimed thousands of people within his own country. The new president said, We want our country to achieve its proper weight based on our estimation that Iraq is as great as China, as great as the Soviet Union, and as great as the United States.(pg. 27) In Saddams eyes, World domination was priority over the wellbeing of his people. Saddam decided to test his military power by invading Iran in the 1980s and Kuwait in 1990. During th e invasion of Kuwait President George H.W. Bush decided to intervene and liberate Kuwait. Twelve years after the Liberation of Kuwait the United States found Saddam was not complying with U.N. sanctions and President George W. Bush wanted Saddam and his regime to face the repercussions. On September 11th, 2001, Islamic terrorists attacked the World Trade Centers Twin Towers and the pentagon. This was the final button that the U.S. would allow to be pushed. President Bush vowed that Americans would take action. Without the events of September 11, the American electorate would not have supported a war with Iraq (pg. 39). During the summer of 2002, the Bush administration assembled a coalition to deal with Saddam. The Bush administration along with the coalition had three solid reasons to conduct an invasion and overthrow the regime. First, Saddam and his Baathist regime were not fully cooperating with U.N....
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Day the Silent Bombs Fell essays
The Day the Silent Bombs Fell essays On September 11,2001, the United States faced, what we saw as the most horrific form of terrorism. On March 16,1988, the northern Iraqi city of Halabja endured the greatest chemical and biological assault on a civilian population in the history of mankind. Today this is our worst fear, being bombed by chemical weapons. What should have been a day of celebration was a day not to be forgotten according to Sabir Abdullah Ahmad. The air smelt like apples and onions. It was a bad smell. I saw people who smelt it and they were affected immediately. In front of me six people, three of them my brothers, tried not to breathe, they tried to hide in some water, but the water was poisoned by the chemicals too and they died. Those who were very close to the bombs died instantly, those who did not found it very difficult to breathe and began to vomit. The gas stung their eyes, some suffering temporary blindness. Many villagers ran towards water, jumping into streams to escape the spreading gases. Iraqi military had been attacking the city for three days until they were forced to retreat, on the fourth day Iraqi planes began bombing the city and surrounding areas. Not long after the bombings stopped, there were helicopters flying overhead taking pictures and dropping paper. About 6pm that night the bombings started again, but this time there were no sounds of explosions. They were attacking the city with a deadly cocktail of chemicals, including mustard gas and various other nerve agents that can cause death as well as medical and genetic problems. About 60,000 Kurds fled Iraq to Turkey, claiming poison gas attacks. Iraq has also denied charges it has used poison gases in this massacre against the Kurdish, who are a minority of people living in Northern Iran, Iraq and Turkey constantly fighting for a separate homeland in Northern Iraq. Over the past 12 years some 45,000 people have been faced with cancer, respiratory ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Rubric Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rubric - Research Paper Example These consist of authentically designed criteria to gauge a learner’s work. Most often, these are given before the task so the students can base their performance on the given standards. It can also be used in any subject as well as in most kinds of learning activities. Though rubrics have various styles, there are some common features. They have objectives, scale, and dimension (Stevens & Levi, 2005). A rubric states the task that needs to be done. Basically, it describes the desired performance or behaviour. Moreover, it utilizes a range in evaluating students’ outputs. This may be in a form of grades, ranks of success, or points of achievement. Lastly, the dimensions of the task are pointed out such as the necessary skills and knowledge involved. â€Å"You’ll find that rubrics can inform and improve your teaching. The criteria you use to determine a high level or excellent performance provide directions for your teaching and goals for your students. Rubrics can be time savers. With some practice, you should be able to make some assessment in just a few minutes after reading or examining a student’s work product†(Fiderer, 1999, p.6). Rubrics have a number of benefits. With this tool, students can have a better understanding of what is expected of them. Thus, they can enhance their performance by having a clearer framework. In the same light, the teacher can enrich his assessment skills by being more objective. The rubrics can aid in evaluating with more consistency. A rubric is also an excellent source of feedback regarding the teacher’s instruction. In addition, it can decrease the amount of time spent on checking papers and appraising output since the criteria make decision making faster. In designing a rubric, there are four key stages. These are reflecting, listing, grouping and labelling, and application (Fiderer, 1999). Firstly, the teacher has to think about the learning goals that the students have to achieve. He
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Discourse analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Discourse analysis - Essay Example In this piece of conversation, the major theme is a dispute between three children, with the younger children Ayesha and Zaynad appearing to unite and take sides against the elder Kahlidja. The major issue is whether or not Khalidja went to her aunt’s house to read the evening prayer to her aunt and whether she was doing her school work on her computer or downloading other materials. In the process of arriving at a resolution of what appears to be a simple issue, the conversation in this instance reveals conflicts arising out of the differences between the conveying of a message by a speaker and its interpretation by a listener. Wardaugh (1985) states that conversation is a social activity, the participants must take each others’ feelings and sensitivities into account if communication is to be successful. They need to be conscious of each others’ needs especially the need not to be offended (Wardaugh,1985:2). In this transcript, there are several instances where participants interrupt each other, and also offend each other. For instance, analyzing the conversational trend shows that the confrontational stance seems to have developed because of the lack of sensitivity of the participants about not offending each other. For example, the conflict has developed because both Zaynab and Ayesha have alleged that Khalidja did NOT go to the mosque, whereas a better conversational approach could have been to pose their doubts about her attendance at a mosque in the form of a question. As Wardaugh (1985) states, the social nature of conversation mandates that all participants should get equal opportunities to speak; in this transcript however, some of the linguistic characteristics that may be noted arise out of the lack of sensitivity of the participants. Zaynab in particular, being the youngest, has been interrupted ever so often; hence he does not have the same opportunities for participation th at the others
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